Central Track: [Q&A] How A Recording Studio Shifts In A Pandemic

[Q&A] How A Recording Studio Shifts In A Pandemic.

By Eric Grubbs, March 25, 2021

The Dallas Music Scene,  Veterans At The Helm Of Oak Cliff’s Consolvo Studio Tell Us How Their Business Shifted Over The Course Of The Last Year.

Below is an excerpt from Central Track’s recent “How A Recording Studio Shifts In A Pandemic” that features a Q&A with SFR staff member, Jeff Ryan: 

“We’ve all had plenty of reasons to stay inside and away from people these last 12 months.

But, much as we’ve heard about how the coronavirus pandemic throttled business at area restaurants and bars in 2020 and beyond, how have businesses like recording studios weathered all the awfulness of the pandemic?

We talked with Jeff Ryan and Jerome Brock of the Oak Cliff-based Consolvo Studio to find out.

These two don’t just have studio experience with their own space. They’re music aces with decades of experience among Dallas music’s most powerful players. Brock has been playing in his Cryptolog band since 2014 now, and Ryan is among the scene’s most prolific drummers, having played with St. Vincent, Sarah Jaffe and even the War on Drugs throughout the years beyond his current efforts in Motorcade and Myopic.

Wanting to know more about what studios did to keep clients safe amidst the pandemic — and what comes next as more and more people get vaccinated — we figured they’d be the guys to ask.” 

Read Central Track’s full Q&A with Jeff Ryan HERE.

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