KXT: Jade Nickol transforms pain into song after losing a loved one to COVID

Jade Nickol transforms pain into song after losing a loved one to COVID

By Jessica Waffles, January 12, 2022 

“Losing a loved one to COVID-19 is a new tragedy that many people are dealing with. To sing about that loss publicly, facing crowds every night, is a different beast. While others grieve in private, Lewisville musician Jade Nickol bares her soul for strangers and must keep fighting to be okay nightly, as she plays the same venues she used to play with Droo D’Anna, her partner, who passed away due to complications from COVID-19 in August 2021.

Her haunting song “Bumps in the Night,” paints the picture of how she’s navigating life, grief and coping with loss.”

Read the full write up and watch Jade Nickol perform “Bumps in the Night” HERE


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